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Bible Study

Remembering God’s Presence This Christmas

The Christmas season brings many emotions. We’re excited to spend time with family and friends. We become stressed over social activities, finances, tight schedules, and… Read More


3 Ways to Trust God’s Timing in Any Season

Waiting is a part of the natural rhythm of life… but depending on what you’re waiting for, waiting seasons can seem to last a lifetime, can’t they? Read More


What Does “Be Still and Know” Actually Mean?

What would it look like for you to be still and know today? Read More

Bible Study

How to Live Faithfully with Our Hearts Turned Heavenward

If you feel that life has a deeper purpose but you’re not sure what that looks like, you are not alone. Read More

Bible Study

How to Cultivate an Unshakable Identity

While challenges bring change and pain, they don’t have to disrupt your identity. Read More

Bible Study

You Were Created for Community

Loneliness is epidemic. We are ever connected through our phones, yet still isolated. It may seem like an odd correlation, but one of the causes might be our search for identity. Read More

Bible Study

“In Christ”: The Bible’s Answer to the Question, Who Am I?

Your spiritual identity is not your personality. It isn’t your job. Your identity isn’t based on your past mistakes or future hopes. Your identity in Christ never changes, and the Bible has a lot to say about it. Read More

Bible Study

Your Roots: Created in the Image of God

What does it mean to be made in the image of God? And how does this affect your identity, your real life, and your faith? Read More

Bible Study

Why Prayer Matters—and How It Will Transform Your Bible Study

When it comes to Bible study, how important is prayer? Here at Yarrow, we believe continual prayer is one of the most important—and most overlooked—aspects of Bible study. Read More

Bible Study

Why Studying the Bible Hands-On Is Exactly What You Need

When you study with Yarrow, we aren’t going to tell you what to believe. Instead, we’ll guide you to let the Bible speak for itself. Read More


A Study of Identity, Part One

Have you ever asked yourself, Who am I? It’s a question most people ask early on in life, but even as adults, our identity can feel elusive. Seasons in life change, and so do we. But no matter how the seasons in life change, your identity in Christ never does. In this study, we guide you through chapters in Genesis, Psalms, Job, and Ephesians. We’ll challenge you to apply God’s Word to your life through journaling prompts, mindfulness exercises, community, and more. Join us as we look to Scripture to better understand your spiritual identity!