The Blog

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are your own worst critic”? Our tendency to critique ourselves (which can be made worse by others’ criticism) can often put us into a place of shame. The more we mess up and the more we think about it, the more we start to question our faith, our authenticity, and even if God accepts us. That last thought may be the toughest one. The good news is that God will always accept us because of what Jesus has done for us!
As believers in Jesus, we strive to live more like Him and to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s conviction. Yet while God gives us transformative power through Jesus, we are not perfect like Jesus. We still live in a broken world with our human condition. We will inevitably have a slip-up, and every time we do, we may start to question, “Does God forgive me even if I have this struggle?”
If you’ve ever asked questions like, “Does God forgive me even if I gossip?” Or “Does God forgive me even if I have an addiction to alcohol?” then we have a study that will bless and encourage you.
Whatever your “something” is, whatever your even if…
We invite you to join us in the Yarrow app and embark on a journey of discovering God’s forgiveness—even if…
Download the Yarrow app and start studying with us today.