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If you’re anything like the rest of us, you’re probably exhausted. You’ve seen more change in your lifetime than most of the generations before us. Significant societal changes have sparked upheaval, ultimately leading to the biggest change we’ve seen yet—division.
Division is one thing we just can’t seem to escape. Republicans vs. Democrats. The few vs. the many. Rich vs. poor. Evangelical vs. non-Evangelical. Going to a multi-generational family event has an unofficial list of topics to be avoided, and choosing a side seems to be an imperative for every topic and question that society throws our way. Even within the Christian Church in recent years, division has accelerated over biblical interpretations, social justice, speaking love, or speaking truth.
Sadly, “unity” is not the word that characterizes our society—or many of our Christian circles. Whether you’ve experienced it in a small church in your hometown, on social media, or in face-to-face conversations with other believers, you know that conflict is inevitable when it comes to relationships—and division over disagreements is often the heartbreaking result.
If you find yourself wondering if division is the end-all, be-all for the future of the Church, and you’re searching for direction and hope for any unity among believers, we’ve got the perfect study for you!
While the issues dividing our modern society are new, division among believers is not. Thankfully, Scripture has a lot to say about division—and shows us the way forward into unity with one another.
Want to explore the topic of unity—and many more of the hard questions that recent changes in our society have prompted us to ask? Join us for our Planted study, “Christian Unity: Is It Possible?” Together, we’ll uncover what Scripture says about unity among Christians and discover that it’s not only attainable, but—because of Jesus—it’s also sustainable!
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