Posts tagged 'Faithful Living'

Bible Study

How to Keep an Eternal Perspective This Election Season

The fear. The uncertainty. The emotionally-charged arguments on all sides. We’re talking about election season, when people of all political persuasions make it sound like… Read More

Bible Study

Living Like Jesus: Loving Fiercely While Staying True to Your Convictions

The Balancing Act: Holding Truth and Love Together We’ve probably all been there. . .your dinner conversation goes from casual to controversial, and someone’s comment… Read More

Bible Study

Finding Purpose in Your Everyday Work

“What is my purpose?” All of us will probably find ourselves asking this important question at some point. And for good reason. We want our… Read More

Bible Study

How to Live Faithfully with Our Hearts Turned Heavenward

If you feel that life has a deeper purpose but you’re not sure what that looks like, you are not alone. Read More