About Yarrow

Be Rooted in Scripture and Grow in Christ

What if your relationship with God blossomed in new ways? What if, instead of ignoring tough questions or stressing over them, you could open the Bible and know how to find the answers you’re looking for?

Yarrow helps guide you through the Bible so you can know what it says—and what it means for your actual life. Join our community of truth seekers, and let’s be rooted in Scripture and growing in Christ together.

See the World and Your Life Through His Eyes

Instead of giving you exact instructions for every circumstance, God gave you the Bible with big-picture truths about humanity, life, and Himself. The answers you seek aren’t found in step-by-step instructions, but in knowing God. As your relationship with Him grows, so does your ability to see the world and your life through His eyes.

Our Method

We believe in a hands-on approach to Bible study. With Yarrow, you’ll learn how to slow down and engage with both the familiar and confusing parts of Scripture in a new way. To help you explore Scripture for yourself, we rely on the Precept Bible Study Method:

Driven by one mission.

For the past 50 years, our mission at Precept is to engage people in relationship with God through knowing His Word. Our deepest desire is seeing our community and the world changed by the gospel as people follow Jesus and find life in Him. Our latest effort, Yarrow, is a Bible study discovery platform for those seeking truth in our increasingly complex world.

Learn more about our mission